Leeji Hong
Leeji has been with MMCA Korea as a curator since 2020. She began her journey at Seoul Museum of Art, and she also worked on the Gwangju Biennale in 2018. Committed to education, she's been lecturing at Korea University from 2022. Leeji’s professional mantra is enhancing art's digital reach without compromising its soul. Her 'Game Society' exhibition at the MMCA in 2023 reflected this philosophy, inviting interactive engagement without losing the artwork's essence.
From Galleries to Gamification: Museums in the Digital Play Era
Leeji aims to keep art relevant and relatable in today's digital world. Her varied experience includes positions at Seoul Museum of Art and Gwangju Biennale, and a lecturing role at Korea University.
Season 7 / Episode 3 / 23 May / 25:12
Bonus episode / 42:52 / 9 March 2021
*For additional insights, the transcript includes extra questions and written responses from Leeji.