Devon Rose Turner
Communications Manager, GEM; Outreach Coordinator, The Big Draw
Devon is an arts education and communications professional based in London. As a happily transplanted American, Devon came to London to study at UCL in the Museums and Galleries in Education MA. She is currently working for GEM (Group for Education in Museums) as Communications Manager and The Big Draw festival as International Outreach Coordinator alongside freelance work. When not working at a museum, gallery or heritage site - Devon can be found exploring various cafes around the city writing for her own arts & culture blog alongside conducting important research on who has the best Victoria sponge in London.
Museum, art, and heritage: building an engaging future
Working at GEM and the Big Draw, as well as in a freelance capacity, Devon keeps busy. Art education workshops, building communication networks, talking about the best museum cakes, she does it all.
SEASON 3 / Episode 4 / 34:34 / 16 july 2020
Bonus episode / 42:52 / 9 March 2021